Battery fuel gauge SVJWT for 12V-72V
- item number:SVJWT
- Product name:Battery fuel gauge SVJWT for 12V-72V

ipBDI is a high cost performance, easy to install Battery Chargemeter
(BDI). It is completely solid state and provides a reliable, accurate, and easy
to read display of battery state-of-charge.
This battery chargemeter is ideal for golf cars, hunting buggies,
commercial leaning equipment, mobility aids, electric bicycles and other
similar equipments.
A 10-bar high light LED displays the state of charge successively,
bar by bar.
At 70% depth of discharge, a flashing LED signals an “energy
reserve” alert.
At 80%, alternately flashing LEDs provides an “empty” status
It is compact and easy to install.
Recognizes improperly charged battery.